
[kaggle][필사] Porto serqruo safe prediction(Gabriel Preda) (3)

bisi 2020. 9. 10. 11:59

이번 주제는 Porto serqruo safe prediction 로,

목표는 운전자가 내년에 자동차 보험 청구를 시작할 확률울 예측하는 모델을 구축 하는 것이다.


이번 필사는 Gabriel Preda님의 코드를 참고하였다.



총 3가지 포스트로 내용을 나누었고, 순서는 아래와 같다. 

Porto serqruo safe prediction(Gabriel Preda) (1)


1. 데이터 분석 준비

2. 데이터 설명

3. Metadata 설명


Porto serqruo safe prediction(Gabriel Preda) (2)


4. 데이터 분석과 통계


Porto serqruo safe prediction(Gabriel Preda) (3)


5. 모델을 위한 데이터 준비 

6. 모델 준비

7. 예측 모델 실행






5 모델을 위한 데이터 준비

1) 결측치 확인

In [94]:
vars_with_missing = []

for feature in trainset.columns:
    missings = trainset[trainset[feature] == -1][feature].count()
    if missings > 0:
        missings_perc = missings/trainset.shape[0]
        print('Variable {} has {} records ({:.2%}) with missing values'.format(feature, missings, missings_perc))

print('In total, there are {} variables with missing values'.format(len(vars_with_missing)))
Variable ps_ind_02_cat has 216 records (0.04%) with missing values
Variable ps_ind_04_cat has 83 records (0.01%) with missing values
Variable ps_ind_05_cat has 5809 records (0.98%) with missing values
Variable ps_reg_03 has 107772 records (18.11%) with missing values
Variable ps_car_01_cat has 107 records (0.02%) with missing values
Variable ps_car_02_cat has 5 records (0.00%) with missing values
Variable ps_car_03_cat has 411231 records (69.09%) with missing values
Variable ps_car_05_cat has 266551 records (44.78%) with missing values
Variable ps_car_07_cat has 11489 records (1.93%) with missing values
Variable ps_car_09_cat has 569 records (0.10%) with missing values
Variable ps_car_11 has 5 records (0.00%) with missing values
Variable ps_car_12 has 1 records (0.00%) with missing values
Variable ps_car_14 has 42620 records (7.16%) with missing values
In total, there are 13 variables with missing values
In [95]:
train_copy = trainset
train_copy = train_copy.replace(-1, np.NaN)

msno.matrix(df=train_copy.iloc[:, 2:39], figsize=(15,10), color=(0.42, 0.1, 0.05))

2) 불필요 컬럼 삭제

  • calc 컬럼 삭제
    • CV 점수를 성공적으로 내기 위해서
In [96]:
col_to_drop = trainset.columns[trainset.columns.str.startswith('ps_clac_')]
trainset = trainset.drop(col_to_drop, axis=1)
testset = testset.drop(col_to_drop, axis=1)
  • 결측치가 많은 변수는 삭제한다.
In [97]:
# 위의 6.1 결측치 확인 참고
vars_to_drop = ['ps_car_03_cat', 'ps_car_05_cat']
trainset.drop(vars_to_drop, inplace=True, axis=1)
testset.drop(vars_to_drop, inplace=True, axis=1)
metadata.loc[(vars_to_drop), 'preserve'] = False

3) 변수값 대체

In [98]:
def add_noise(series, noise_level):
    return series * (1 + noise_level * np.random.randn(len(series)))

def target_encode(trn_series=None,
    assert len(trn_series) == len(target)
    assert ==
    temp = pd.concat([trn_series, target], axis=1)        
    averages = temp.groupby([].agg(["mean","count"])
    smoothing = 1 / (1+np.exp(-(averages["count"] - min_samples_leaf) / smoothing))
    prior = target.mean()
    averages[] = prior * (1-smoothing) + averages["mean"]*smoothing
    averages.drop(["mean", "count"], axis=1, inplace=True)
    ft_trn_series = pd.merge(
        averages.reset_index().rename(columns={'index' :,'average'}),,
        how='left')['average'].rename( + '_mean').fillna(prior)
    ft_trn_series.index = trn_series.index
    ft_tst_series = pd.merge(
        on =,
        how='left')['average'].rename( + '_mean').fillna(prior)
    ft_tst_series.index = tst_series.index
    return add_noise(ft_trn_series, noise_level), add_noise(ft_tst_series, noise_level)

ps_car_11_cat 을 encoded value로 대체한다.

In [99]:
train_encoded, test_encoded = target_encode(trainset['ps_car_11_cat'],
In [100]:
trainset['ps_cat_11_cat_te'] = train_encoded
trainset.drop('ps_car_11_cat', axis=1, inplace=True)
metadata.loc['ps_car_11_cat', 'preserve'] = False
testset['ps_car_11_cat_te'] = test_encoded
testset.drop('ps_car_11_cat', axis=1, inplace=True)

4) target value의 균형 맞추기

In [101]:
desired_apriori = 0.10

idx_0 = trainset[ == 0].index
idx_1 = trainset[ == 1].index

nb_0= len(trainset.loc[idx_0]) # target이 0인 갯수 
nb_1= len(trainset.loc[idx_1]) # target이 1인 갯수

undersampling_rate = ((1-desired_apriori)*nb_1) / (nb_0*desired_apriori)
undersampled_nb_0 = int(undersampling_rate*nb_0)
print('Rate to undersample records with target=0: {}'.format(undersampling_rate))
print('Number of records with target=0 after undersampling: {}'.format(undersampled_nb_0))

undersampled_idx = shuffle(idx_0, random_state=314, n_samples=undersampled_nb_0)

idx_list = list(undersampled_idx) + list(idx_1)

trainset = trainset.loc[idx_list].reset_index(drop=True)
Rate to undersample records with target=0: 0.34043569687437886
Number of records with target=0 after undersampling: 195246

5) -1을 na.NaN으로 대체

In [102]:
trainset = trainset.replace(-1, np.nan)
testset = testset.replace(-1, np.nan)

6) cat 변수 dummy 변수화

In [104]:
cat_feature = [a for a in trainset.columns if a.endswith('cat')]

for column in cat_feature:
    temp = pd.get_dummies(pd.Series(trainset[column]))
    trainset = pd.concat([trainset, temp], axis=1)
    trainset = trainset.drop([column], axis=1)
for column in cat_feature:
    temp = pd.get_dummies(pd.Series(testset[column]))
    testset = pd.concat([testset, temp], axis=1)
    testset = testset.drop([column], axis=1)
In [106]:
# 사용하지 않는 target 컬럼 삭제
id_test = testset['id'].values
target_train = trainset['target'].values

trainset = trainset.drop(['target','id'], axis=1)
testset = testset.drop(['id'], axis=1)
In [107]:
# test set 확인
print("Train dataset (rows, cols):", trainset.values.shape, "\nTest dataset (rows, cols):", testset.values.shape)
Train dataset (rows, cols): (216940, 111) 
Test dataset (rows, cols): (892816, 111)

6. 모델 준비

1) 교차 검증과 앙상블을 위한 앙상블 클래스

KFolds로 분리하여 앙상블 클래스를 준비하기 위해, model을 교육하고 결과를 ensamble한다.

이 클래스에는 4가지 파라미터가 있다.

  • self : 초기화할 객체
  • n_message : 사용할 교차 분할의 수
  • stacker : 훈련된 기본 모델에서 예측 결과를 쌓는 데 사용되는 모델
  • base_models : 교육에 사용된 기본 모델 목록

n_splits 폴드 만큼 training 데이터를 분할한다.

In [139]:
class Ensemble(object):
    def __init__(self, n_splits, stacker, base_models):
        self.n_splits = n_splits
        self.stacker = stacker
        self.base_models = base_models

    def fit_predict(self, X, y, T):
        X = np.array(X)
        y = np.array(y)
        T = np.array(T)

        folds = list(StratifiedKFold(n_splits=self.n_splits, shuffle=True, random_state=314).split(X, y))

        S_train = np.zeros((X.shape[0], len(self.base_models)))
        S_test = np.zeros((T.shape[0], len(self.base_models)))
        for i, clf in enumerate(self.base_models):

            S_test_i = np.zeros((T.shape[0], self.n_splits))

            for j, (train_idx, test_idx) in enumerate(folds):
                X_train = X[train_idx]
                y_train = y[train_idx]
                X_holdout = X[test_idx]

                print ("Base model %d: fit %s model | fold %d" % (i+1, str(clf).split('(')[0], j+1))
      , y_train)
                cross_score = cross_val_score(clf, X_train, y_train, cv=3, scoring='roc_auc')
                print("cross_score [roc-auc]: %.5f [gini]: %.5f" % (cross_score.mean(), 2*cross_score.mean()-1))
                y_pred = clf.predict_proba(X_holdout)[:,1]                

                S_train[test_idx, i] = y_pred
                S_test_i[:, j] = clf.predict_proba(T)[:,1]
            S_test[:, i] = S_test_i.mean(axis=1)

        results = cross_val_score(self.stacker, S_train, y, cv=3, scoring='roc_auc')
        # Calculate gini factor as 2 * AUC - 1
        print("Stacker score [gini]: %.5f" % (2 * results.mean() - 1)), y)
        res = self.stacker.predict_proba(S_test)[:,1]
        return res

2) base model을 위한 파라미터

LightGBM 모델과 XGB 모델과 다른 3개의 파라미터를 준비한다.

In [140]:
# 각각의 모델은 train data로 사용되어진다.
# lgb1
lgb_params1 = {}
lgb_params1['learning_rate'] = 0.02
lgb_params1['n_estimators'] = 650
lgb_params1['max_bin'] = 10
lgb_params1['subsample'] = 0.8
lgb_params1['subsample_freq'] = 10
lgb_params1['colsample_bytree'] = 0.8
lgb_params1['min_child_samples'] = 500
lgb_params1['seed'] = 314
lgb_params1['num_threads'] = 4

#lgb 2
lgb_params2 = {}
lgb_params2['n_estimators'] = 1090
lgb_params2['learning_rate'] = 0.02
lgb_params2['colsample_bytree'] = 0.3
lgb_params2['subsample'] = 0.7
lgb_params2['subsample_freq'] = 2
lgb_params2['num_leaves'] = 16
lgb_params2['seed'] = 314
lgb_params2['num_threads'] = 4

#lgb 3
lgb_params3 = {}
lgb_params3['n_estimators'] = 1100
lgb_params3['max_depth'] = 4
lgb_params3['learning_rate'] = 0.02
lgb_params3['seed'] = 314
lgb_params2['num_threads'] = 4

# XGBoost params
xgb_params = {}
xgb_params['objective'] = 'binary:logistic'
xgb_params['learning_rate'] = 0.04
xgb_params['n_estimators'] = 490
xgb_params['max_depth'] = 4
xgb_params['subsample'] = 0.9
xgb_params['colsample_bytree'] = 0.9
xgb_params['min_child_weight'] = 16
xgb_params['num_threads'] = 4

3) 파라미터 모델 초기화

In [141]:
lgb_model1 = LGBMClassifier(**lgb_params1)
lgb_model2 = LGBMClassifier(**lgb_params2)
lgb_model3 = LGBMClassifier(**lgb_params3)
xgb_model = XGBClassifier(**xgb_params)

log_model = LogisticRegression()
In [142]:
stack = Ensemble(n_splits=3, stacker=log_model, base_models=(lgb_model1, lgb_model2, lgb_model3, xgb_model))

7. 예측 모델 실행

In [143]:
y_prediction = stack.fit_predict(trainset, target_train, testset)
Base model 1: fit LGBMClassifier model | fold 1
[LightGBM] [Warning] num_threads is set=4, n_jobs=-1 will be ignored. Current value: num_threads=4
[LightGBM] [Warning] num_threads is set=4, n_jobs=-1 will be ignored. Current value: num_threads=4
[LightGBM] [Warning] num_threads is set=4, n_jobs=-1 will be ignored. Current value: num_threads=4
cross_score [roc-auc]: 0.63516 [gini]: 0.27031
Base model 1: fit LGBMClassifier model | fold 2
[LightGBM] [Warning] num_threads is set=4, n_jobs=-1 will be ignored. Current value: num_threads=4
[LightGBM] [Warning] num_threads is set=4, n_jobs=-1 will be ignored. Current value: num_threads=4
[LightGBM] [Warning] num_threads is set=4, n_jobs=-1 will be ignored. Current value: num_threads=4
cross_score [roc-auc]: 0.63677 [gini]: 0.27354
Base model 1: fit LGBMClassifier model | fold 3
[LightGBM] [Warning] num_threads is set=4, n_jobs=-1 will be ignored. Current value: num_threads=4
[LightGBM] [Warning] num_threads is set=4, n_jobs=-1 will be ignored. Current value: num_threads=4
[LightGBM] [Warning] num_threads is set=4, n_jobs=-1 will be ignored. Current value: num_threads=4
cross_score [roc-auc]: 0.63334 [gini]: 0.26669
Base model 2: fit LGBMClassifier model | fold 1
[LightGBM] [Warning] num_threads is set=4, n_jobs=-1 will be ignored. Current value: num_threads=4
[LightGBM] [Warning] num_threads is set=4, n_jobs=-1 will be ignored. Current value: num_threads=4
[LightGBM] [Warning] num_threads is set=4, n_jobs=-1 will be ignored. Current value: num_threads=4
cross_score [roc-auc]: 0.63775 [gini]: 0.27549
Base model 2: fit LGBMClassifier model | fold 2
[LightGBM] [Warning] num_threads is set=4, n_jobs=-1 will be ignored. Current value: num_threads=4
[LightGBM] [Warning] num_threads is set=4, n_jobs=-1 will be ignored. Current value: num_threads=4
[LightGBM] [Warning] num_threads is set=4, n_jobs=-1 will be ignored. Current value: num_threads=4
cross_score [roc-auc]: 0.63777 [gini]: 0.27554
Base model 2: fit LGBMClassifier model | fold 3
[LightGBM] [Warning] num_threads is set=4, n_jobs=-1 will be ignored. Current value: num_threads=4
[LightGBM] [Warning] num_threads is set=4, n_jobs=-1 will be ignored. Current value: num_threads=4
[LightGBM] [Warning] num_threads is set=4, n_jobs=-1 will be ignored. Current value: num_threads=4
cross_score [roc-auc]: 0.63548 [gini]: 0.27096
Base model 3: fit LGBMClassifier model | fold 1
cross_score [roc-auc]: 0.63626 [gini]: 0.27252
Base model 3: fit LGBMClassifier model | fold 2
cross_score [roc-auc]: 0.63450 [gini]: 0.26900
Base model 3: fit LGBMClassifier model | fold 3
cross_score [roc-auc]: 0.63272 [gini]: 0.26543
Base model 4: fit XGBClassifier model | fold 1
[02:05:20] WARNING: C:\Users\Administrator\workspace\xgboost-win64_release_1.2.0\src\ 
Parameters: { num_threads } might not be used.

  This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
  passed down to XGBoost core.  Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
  verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.

[02:07:37] WARNING: C:\Users\Administrator\workspace\xgboost-win64_release_1.2.0\src\ 
Parameters: { num_threads } might not be used.

  This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
  passed down to XGBoost core.  Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
  verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.

[02:09:09] WARNING: C:\Users\Administrator\workspace\xgboost-win64_release_1.2.0\src\ 
Parameters: { num_threads } might not be used.

  This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
  passed down to XGBoost core.  Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
  verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.

[02:10:34] WARNING: C:\Users\Administrator\workspace\xgboost-win64_release_1.2.0\src\ 
Parameters: { num_threads } might not be used.

  This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
  passed down to XGBoost core.  Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
  verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.

cross_score [roc-auc]: 0.63801 [gini]: 0.27603
Base model 4: fit XGBClassifier model | fold 2
[02:12:10] WARNING: C:\Users\Administrator\workspace\xgboost-win64_release_1.2.0\src\ 
Parameters: { num_threads } might not be used.

  This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
  passed down to XGBoost core.  Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
  verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.

[02:14:42] WARNING: C:\Users\Administrator\workspace\xgboost-win64_release_1.2.0\src\ 
Parameters: { num_threads } might not be used.

  This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
  passed down to XGBoost core.  Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
  verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.

[02:16:36] WARNING: C:\Users\Administrator\workspace\xgboost-win64_release_1.2.0\src\ 
Parameters: { num_threads } might not be used.

  This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
  passed down to XGBoost core.  Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
  verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.

[02:18:13] WARNING: C:\Users\Administrator\workspace\xgboost-win64_release_1.2.0\src\ 
Parameters: { num_threads } might not be used.

  This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
  passed down to XGBoost core.  Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
  verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.

cross_score [roc-auc]: 0.63764 [gini]: 0.27528
Base model 4: fit XGBClassifier model | fold 3
[02:19:51] WARNING: C:\Users\Administrator\workspace\xgboost-win64_release_1.2.0\src\ 
Parameters: { num_threads } might not be used.

  This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
  passed down to XGBoost core.  Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
  verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.

[02:21:56] WARNING: C:\Users\Administrator\workspace\xgboost-win64_release_1.2.0\src\ 
Parameters: { num_threads } might not be used.

  This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
  passed down to XGBoost core.  Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
  verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.

[02:23:20] WARNING: C:\Users\Administrator\workspace\xgboost-win64_release_1.2.0\src\ 
Parameters: { num_threads } might not be used.

  This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
  passed down to XGBoost core.  Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
  verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.

[02:24:44] WARNING: C:\Users\Administrator\workspace\xgboost-win64_release_1.2.0\src\ 
Parameters: { num_threads } might not be used.

  This may not be accurate due to some parameters are only used in language bindings but
  passed down to XGBoost core.  Or some parameters are not used but slip through this
  verification. Please open an issue if you find above cases.

cross_score [roc-auc]: 0.63478 [gini]: 0.26956
Stacker score [gini]: 0.28096
In [144]:
submission = pd.DataFrame()
submission['id'] = id_test
submission['target'] = y_prediction
submission.to_csv('stacked.csv', index=False)

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